DLM Forum Geoforum and Members' Meeting in Prague, 7-9 September 2022
The next DLM Forum members’ meeting will be held in Prague, at the Prague Congress Center (5. května 1640/65, 140 21 Praha 4-Nusle), and hosted by the National Archives of the Czech Republic. The dinner on 8 September will be held at Hotel Leonardo Prague (Karolíny Světlé 323/27). The Geoforum and an Archiving by Design group meeting will take place on 7 September on the premises of the National Archives of the Czech Republic (Archivní 2257/4, 14901 Praha 4-Chodovec).The plan is to have a hybrid meeting. This means that there will be a physical event, and it will also be broadcast so it's possible to follow the meeting online.
Registration is closed.
The theme of the meeting is "Information governance in the world of linked, trustworthy and secured data" with the following topics:
- No more records, just information - recordkeeping and archiving in the area of open data and re-use of public information;
- Designated communities as part of modern appraisal and access: identification, communication, implementation;
- The efficiency of preservation strategies and sustainability of complex digital objects (e.g. 3D models/CAD, databases, email accounts, cloud applications, etc.);
- Automation of services and processes of recordkeeping and archiving;
- Networking as key to success;
- Other relevant topics for the members of the DLM Forum.