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Our Mission

The DLM Forum is vibrant community of public archives and interested parties from across government, commercial, academic and voluntary sectors who are active in information governance, including archives, records, document and information lifecycle management. It was founded by the European Commission and first met in 1996. Today it is a not-for-profit foundation providing industry specifications, participating in activities and serving members from all over Europe and the rest of the world.

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Executive committee

Chair (on leave)

Anja Paulič

National Archives of Slovenia


Vice-Chair (Acting Chair)

John Sheridan

National Archives of United Kingdom



David Anderson

Highbury Research and Development Ltd



Elena Cortéz Ruiz

State Archives of Spain



Markus Merenmies

National Archives of Finland



Anssi Jääskelainen

South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences (Xamk)



Milan Vojáček

National Archives of the Czech Republic



Sofia Särdquist

Swedish National Archives



Stefan Kwasnitza

Swiss Federal Archives



360core AG
Archives of the Max Planck Society.
Artefactual Systems Inc.
AIT Austrian Institution of Technology GmbH
City of Rotterdam
Croatian State Archives
Disec Oy
Diputación Provincial de Albacete
Ericsson Nikola Tesla
Estonia Dept of Information
Gabinete UMBUS SL
GORDIC spols.r.o
Highbury Associates IVS
Historical Archives of the European Union
Historical Archives of the Hungarian State Security
International Committee of the Red Cross
Judicial Information Service
Keep Solutions Inc
Latvian Geospatial Agency
Kommunearkivinstitusjonenes Digitale Ressurs Senter SA (KDRS)
National Archive of Austria
National Archive of Denmark
National Archives of Czech Republic
National Archives of Estonia
National Archives of Finland
National Archives of Georgia
National Archives of Germany
National Archives of Hungary
National Archives of Ireland
National Archives of Latvia
National Archives of Luxembourg
National Archives of Malta
National Archives of Norway
National Archives of Poland
National Archives of Slovenia
National Archives of Spain
National Archives of Sweden
National Archives of The Netherlands
National Archives of UK
Noord-Hollands Archief
Office of Chief Archivist of Lithuania
Open Preservation Foundation
Poliphon Ltd.
Prisma Cultura
Regional Archives in Nova Gorica
Serda Group
South-EasternFinland University of AppliedSciences
State Enterprise Centre of Registers
Swedish Tax Agency
Swiss Federal Archives

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Join Us

The DLM is an impartial, not for profit organisation run on behalf of its constituents. It is a “zone of integrity” where information is gathered and exchanged on an honest, open and impartial manner. Members are protected by rules of engagement so they are assured they will not be “sold to” or lobbied unless they give their explicit consent.

The DLM Forum occupies a unique position of trust. It is close to, but independent of, the EU. That gives it access and influence but maintains a robust impartiality. It has played a major role in setting new standards. It provides training available nowhere else in the world. By joining, members become part of a group that can influence decisions made by governments, the EU and major corporations.

The DLM is a member forum. It provides conferences where new developments in standards, regulation and technology can be announced, analysed and debated. It sponsors specific research exclusive to its members. It provides a meeting ground where members can find verified information, impartial advice and new contacts. As the founding organisation behind MoReq2010, the DLM Forum offers safer purchasing for technology buyers and better product development for vendors.

By joining, members will rapidly develop a deep understanding of the current challenges and emerging trends. There are two distinct areas where members can benefit. They can mitigate corporate and personal risks. They can save money by safer purchasing and by reducing records storage costs. Members will become versed in the current and emerging standards, thus staying ahead of regulation and achieving faster compliance. Members will beat competitors by having more compelling solutions, products or consulting offers. Others will protect their personal position by enhancing their know-how and showing expert credibility. Some will find their next supplier, customer or employer.


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