2015, Riga Annual General Meeting

June 16-17

Twice every year the members of the DLM Forum Foundation meet for a two-day members’ meeting. These meetings are traditionally hosted by the country that holds the EU presidency.

We met in Riga, Latvia the European Capital of Culture 2014 where we held our Annual General Meeting. This Member Meeting was builded on DLM initiatives and Information Governance issues with focusing on: Opportunities for Harmonisation of Understanding, Approaches and Activities. The meeting featured a lively programme of presentations and debated with news from projects such as E-ARK, MoReq and records, archives and information governance generally.

DLM Forum evaluated proposals and selected speakers in cooperation with the local organisation committee and E-ARK project leaders. The Scientific Committee convened for the meeting consists of representatives of the archives of the European Union member states and representatives of information governance in public and private sector. 

