DLM Forum Members' Meeting in Tallinn, 12-13 October 2021

The EC committee has agreed to the National Archives of Estonia’s proposal to hold a physical members' meeting for the DLM community this autumn. The meeting will be held on 12-13 October in Tallinn in the joint ministry building at Suur-Ameerika 1 and hosted by the National Archives of Estonia and the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications of Estonia.


In connection with this decision, we are announcing a call for papers. This time there is no specific main theme of the meeting. We welcome all contributions that could be of interest to the DLM community. Almost two years have passed since the last meeting, and in the meantime, there have certainly been some exciting projects or activities that are worth sharing with colleagues. All our traditional topics from developing new services, solutions, products, tools, environments for data governance, maintenance, preservation and availability, as well as more recent topics, including the impact of the pandemic on data usage trends, new challenges and solutions, etc. are appreciated.


Photo by Maret Põldveer-Turay, visittallinn.ee

Video presentations are now available here.